Times to travel by car to our holiday cottages in South Perrott from various places.
South Perrott is less than 2 miles from Crewerne railway station, and visitors can, by arrangemenyt, be collected.
Distances and times to South Perrott are taken from the RAC's route planner. It is given in good faith but with no guarantees so if you find any errors please let me know.
Place | Feature | Map Ref | Postcode | Distance Road miles | Time mins | Birmingham | 156 | 2 hrs 45 | Bristol | City | 49 | 1 hrs 29 | Cambridge | 192 | 3 hrs 37 | Canterbury | 198 | 3 hrs 31 | Cheltenham | 101 | 1 hrs 55 | Coventry | 152 | 2 hrs 52 | Durham | 340 | 5 hrs 40 | Felixstowe | 240 | 4 hrs 20 | Gatwick | 149 | 2 hrs 38 | Gloucester | 99 | 2 hrs 0 | Heathrow | 123 | 2 hrs 11 | Leicester | 187 | 3 hrs 19 | London M25 M3 junction | 111 | 1 hrs 59 | March (Camba) | 223 | 4 hrs 4 | Newcastle-under-Lyme | 184 | 3 hrs 20 | Norwich | 263 | 4 hrs 32 | Oxford | 133 | 2 hrs 36 | Portsmouth | 91 | 1 hrs 55 | Southampton | 72 | 1 hrs 37 | Warwick | 145 | 2 hrs 53 | York | 280 | 4 hrs 50 |